These are the mental health support services available everyday and specific to reading day 2018.
The mental health and well-being of Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff are of the utmost importance and a priority. We strive to provide support services in a variety of ways as well as provide programs and services that give the entire campus community the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.
Mental health and well-being support services that are available everyday include:
Counseling Center
Flag (Smithgall) Building, 2nd Floor
8am – 5pm (until 7pm until Dec. 6th)
Drop in or call 404-894-2575
After hours call line: 404-894-2575counseling.gatech.edu
Dean of Students office
Flag (Smithgall) Building, 2nd Floor
8am – 5pm
Drop in or call 404-894-2565studentlife.gatech.edu
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Call 678-616-TECH (8324)hwb.gatech.edu/eap
Open to all GT employees
Nutrition Counseling
Stamps Health Services, 2nd Floor
8am – 5pm
Drop in or call 404-894-9980nutrition.gatech.edu
Stamps Health Services Psychiatry Clinic
Stamps Health Services, 2nd Floor
8am – 5pm (9am – 5pm Thursdays)
Drop in or call 404-894-2585 during operating hourshealth.gatech.edu/psych
VOICE Advocate Support Services
Stamps Health Services, 2nd Floor
8am – 5pm
Drop by or call 404-385-4464 or 404-385-4451
After hours call GT Police at 404-894-2500 and ask to speak to the VOICE on-call advocatevoice.gatech.edu
Additional reading day and open door day programs and events include:
Drop In Support Services with Counseling Center & Health Initiatives
Come chat with a counselor or a wellness coach about anything – they are there to support your mental health and well-being during this stressful time.
December 5th, 9am – 12pm
Scheller College of Business, Room 497
Open to all GT Community members.
Reading Day Special at Tech Rec
Students can use Tech Rec for bowling & games all day for free.
December 5th, 10am – 10pm
Student Center, Tech Rec 1st Floor
Open to all GT students.
VOICE Advocate Drop In Hours
Come talk with a VOICE advocate about anything you need. Open to all students regardless of gender and sexual orientiation.
December 5th, 11am – 1pm
LGBTQIA+ Resource Center, Oasis Room
Open to all GT students.
Pet Therapy
De-stress with some furry friends!
December 5th, 11am – 12:30pm
College of Computing
Open to all GT community members.
Drop In Meditation Yoga
Free yoga offered during your lunch break with Will – open to everyone, regardless of CRC membership.
December 5th, 12pm – 1pm
Campus Recreation Center, Studio C
Open to all GT community members.
Let’s Talk
Two additional sessions scheduled today for drop in, confidential counseling.
December 5th
12pm – 2pm, Graduate Living Center room 106
4pm – 6pm, Clough Communications Center
Open to all GT students.
Free Paper & Clay Crafts
Enjoy some free crafts to de-stress with for reading day.
December 5th, 12pm – 6pm
Student Center, 3rd Floor
Open to all GT students.
De-Stress Yo Self
DIY stress balls, body scrubs, face masks and more, along with food and other fun freebies.
December 5th, 2pm – 4pm
Student Center, Peachtree Room
Open to all GT students.
Meet with a counselor, chat with a Dietitian, do some yoga, and get some free food and other freebies.
December 5th, 3pm – 5pm
Main Library
Open to all GT students.
Mindful Moments
Enjoy color and quick guided mindfulness exercise to clear your mind.
December 5th, 3pm – 4pm
Student Center, Cypress Room
Open to all GT community members.
Come Fly with Us: Free Ziplining
Release your stress by flying through the sky with free zipline!
December 5th, 4pm – 6pm
Leadership Challenge Course
Open to all GT community members.
Free Group Fitness Classes
Enjoy free group fitness classes from now until the 14th. Go to crc.gatech.edu to see the class schedule.
December 5th – 14th, various times
Campus Recreation Center
Open to all CRC members and guests.
If you are ever concerned or don’t know where to start, you can always call GT Police (GTPD) and ask for help – 404-894-2500.