“Let’s Talk” is an outreach program designed to engage students by providing informal walk-in consultations with Georgia Tech Counseling Center (GTCC) counselors at sites across campus.
“Let’s Talk” is an outreach program designed to engage students by providing informal walk-in consultations with Georgia Tech Counseling Center counselors at sites across campus. The program is intended to reach students who might be unlikely to seek traditional mental health services at the Counseling Center. “Let’s Talk” differs from formal counseling in that there is no clinical paperwork to fill out, no formal intake, and no scheduled appointments.
Students are encouraged to drop by and talk about whatever is important to them, much as they might talk with a teaching assistant, residence hall director, or academic advisor.
This service is open to all Georgia Tech undergraduate and graduate students. It is a valuable and appropriate service for students who may be unsure about formal counseling; have a specific problem and would like someone with whom to talk it through; have a concern about a friend and want some thoughts about what to do; or, are not interested in ongoing counseling but would like the perspective of a counselor.
“Let’s Talk” is held at different locations across campus, and every “Let’s Talk” site is open to all Georgia Tech students.
This semester, students will be able access “Let’s Talk” consultants at the following locations:
- Communication Center, Clough Commons, Suite 447
Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon, beginning Sept. 10 - LGBTQIA Resource Center
10 a.m. – noon
Thursday, Sept. 13
Tuesday, Oct. 16
Wednesday, Nov. 14
Visit counseling.gatech.edu for more information about this program or other Georgia Tech Counseling Center services or programs.