Let's talk
Donec et enim vitae tellus auctor menean leo diamfeugiat nulla sed. consequat venenatis est. Praesent commodo consequat pharetra.

Or not, up to you
Maybe there's a little something happening right here. All kinds of happy little splashes. Let your heart be your guide. Just let your mind wander and enjoy. This should make you happy. Let's put a touch more of the magic here.

I have fake red hair
Donec et enim vitae tellus auctor menean leo diamfeugiat nulla sed. consequat venenatis est. Praesent commodo consequat pharetra.

Let's talk
Donec et enim vitae tellus auctor menean leo diamfeugiat nulla sed. consequat venenatis est. Praesent commodo consequat pharetra.

Meow !
Donec et enim vitae tellus auctor menean leo diamfeugiat nulla sed. consequat venenatis est. Praesent commodo consequat pharetra.
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.circle-break-out on block, image must be square. You can resize block and use region for align-items.
.circle-break-out .hover places the image inside the circle but breaks out on Hover.