Students are encouraged to complete the survey to help provide an accurate view of health and well-being on campus.
Georgia Tech’s Division Student Life has partnered with the Office of Academic Effectiveness and Stamps Health Services to administer the annual Healthy Minds Study (HMS) this month.
Approximately 8,000 students have been invited to participate in the web-based study examining mental health, service utilization, and related issues among undergraduate and graduate students. The Institute is administering this survey, last done here in Spring 2018, to get a better understanding of the mental health of Tech students and to address specific needs.
Nationally, the survey was first launched in 2007 and has since been fielded at about 300 colleges and universities, with over 300,000 survey respondents. Past surveys conducted at Georgia Tech have shown that approximately 30% of students are experiencing at least one significant mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety disorders, suicidal thoughts, self-injury, or symptoms of eating disorders. Having updated results from HMS will increase awareness of student mental health and provide an opportunity to expand programs and services.
Students are encouraged to complete the survey to help in these efforts. Check out the link below for a 1-minute HMS video:
Students can also look forward to the release of the National Survey of Student Engagement in late February, which will examine the student experience inside and outside the classroom. All surveys administered to our students seek to identify areas for improvement in Georgia Tech’s practices and policies.
Students who received the invitation for participation in the Healthy Minds Study have until Feb. 7 to complete it. For more information, contact the study’s Pricipal Investigator, Brenda “B” Woods at brenda.woods@studentlife.gatech.edu.