Health initiatives is excited to provide the Georgia Tech community with this free, five-week well-being education series. Register now before all spaces are filled!
Fit to Thrive from Health Initiatives is back this fall and ready to help students and employees reach their health and fitness goals. This series begins July 9th through August 6th, every Tuesday from 12-1pm in Stamps Health Services Classroom room 230. Health initiatives is excited to provide the Georgia Tech community with this free, five-week well-being education series. Register now before all spaces are filled!
Fit to Thrive was developed to incorporate new health challenges and explore different campus resources every week. Participants learn about health and well-being opportunities on campus while also setting their own personal goals and working with a health educator to reach them. This group program takes a very individualized approach through personal goal setting. Previous attendee and Stamps Health Services Pharmacy Tech, Jennifer Ayers said, “my favorite part of the program was the hands-on approach to activities. We went to West Village with the nutritionist as well as took a yoga class.” This interactive program is not restricted to a classroom but instead goes out and explores health opportunities across campus.
Fit to Thrive explores on-campus programming in a safe and inclusive environment. Healthy living is more than just diet and exercise and this five-week series addresses a different component of health every week. Ayers said, “my biggest takeaway was learning about myself and how I react to different life stresses. It taught me how to be more mindful of my actions.” Created for both students and employees, Fit to Thrive will spend this fall focused on nutrition, physical activity, mindfulness, understanding your strengths, and stress management.
Registration is now open and required for this free series. CRC membership is not required to join this program. Go to healthinitiatives.gatech.edu/thrive to register and learn more.