What makes a good looking web page?
Sitting staring at your screen wondering on how to unleash all this content that was dumped on you? Well that's pretty subjective and not everyone shares in your great design perspective. Breath, here are some tips and tricks!
- How did I get stuck doing this? - well not this, keep moving.
- What are your favorite sites to go to? Are they well organized? What do you like, what don't you like about it?
- You need inspiration! Bounce around other sites and take note of little sections you may like. What was the first thing that caught your eye? Do you thing that was their intent?
- I need to get my point across without putting them asleep by creating 10 pages of scrollable content.
- I don't need to duplicate content that may be elsewhere.
Finding a good balance of images (not stolen and of course with Alt Tags), blocks, colors and content that makes sense and can be accessible for all is challenging but not impossible once you get the hang of it.
Let's take a look at some good and maybe not so good examples of web pages.